Friday, September 29, 2006
Ipod Killer - Zune price is similar to Ipod
Microsoft has unveiled the prices for Zune - The Ipod killer. We might have thought that it would be an Ipod killer, but no, Its price is same as an Ipod 30GB - $ 249.99. Zune is siad to be available from Nov 14th. Surprisingly Microsoft has some accessories too..
Source ars
- Zune Home A/V Pack ($ 99.99 - AV Output Cable, Dock, Wireless Remote with Lithium Battery, Sync Cable and AC Adapter)
- Zune Travel Pack ($99.99 - Dual Connect Remote, Premium Earphones, Gear Bag, Sync Cable and AC Adapter)
- Zune Car Pack ($79.99 - FM tuner with AutoSeek and Car Charger
Source ars
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Orkut in Its Reality - A place for Child Pornography, and other anti socials
I found this below information from the following link:
"According to Brazilian prosecutors and other help groups, Orkut soon became a place where networks of child pornographer's, pedophiles, racist and anti- Semitic groups could meet, chat and worse share information or photographs. In fact Thiago, the president of Safernet in Brazil has said that in 45 days of Orkuts investigation, they had identified 5,000 people that had used the internet, mainly Orkut, to share explicit photographs of sex with children. These numbers were only of that description and not including racist, neo-Nazi and other hate groups active and that Safernet had found. "
Innovation Technology 2006
It says -"According to Brazilian prosecutors and other help groups, Orkut soon became a place where networks of child pornographer's, pedophiles, racist and anti- Semitic groups could meet, chat and worse share information or photographs. In fact Thiago, the president of Safernet in Brazil has said that in 45 days of Orkuts investigation, they had identified 5,000 people that had used the internet, mainly Orkut, to share explicit photographs of sex with children. These numbers were only of that description and not including racist, neo-Nazi and other hate groups active and that Safernet had found. "
Why the hell Orkut....Orkut... and again Orkut....
I go to bangalore to meet my freinds, they ask me to create orkut, I get mails about (f)orkut, everywhere (fu)orkut...... Its the same in Chennai. Just for the sake of people, I created an account. And know what... nobody can find me in okut. Recently, from no where, all my classmates who used to hate every other person in the class, started talking about orkut and its scrap like "scrapping out" scrap them out". Everybody have made a group now, keep sending mails, go gaga about orkut. I hate Orkut, I donno why...?
Why not simply add everybody in a chat engine and start chatting, why not use a common blog, why is it famous only in India, search anybody, you will find hell a lots Indians, what the hell is wrong with these Indians. What is it to do with Orkut and Indians?.......... I go to an account by name Linux in orkut, It was created by some american or european nationals and was used by them. But now, you can see all Indians and only Indians, posting about free e books, some softwares, some non-sense... which can be available through simple google search. I hate orkut, I donno why...?
I have seen that many of the dumbest people using orkut. People who are busy never use orkut. Many of my colleagues in office, never care about orkut, they are so busy with their freinds, family, job, Movies, Cricket, Football, emails, chatting and more, that they dont dont even think about orkut. and employees who dont have bloody work, who dont watch movies, who dont have women or girls (or boys ;-) to f*ck around with, keep searching in orkut for some faces. I hate orkut, I donno why.......?
I guess I know why poeple like orkut so much... As I have seen, Orkut is famous along IT industry employees, and only them, nobody else... not even students.. I dont see much students in Orkut or using orkut. I think these are the people who may be in benches, or lazy, or cant do their job, are just using orkut and "scrapping out" on other's orkuts. I know why the hell I hate orkut.
I have to sleep now, had been very busy today...... oh yeah.. I hate orkut, and I will never login again in orkut.
Why not simply add everybody in a chat engine and start chatting, why not use a common blog, why is it famous only in India, search anybody, you will find hell a lots Indians, what the hell is wrong with these Indians. What is it to do with Orkut and Indians?.......... I go to an account by name Linux in orkut, It was created by some american or european nationals and was used by them. But now, you can see all Indians and only Indians, posting about free e books, some softwares, some non-sense... which can be available through simple google search. I hate orkut, I donno why...?
I have seen that many of the dumbest people using orkut. People who are busy never use orkut. Many of my colleagues in office, never care about orkut, they are so busy with their freinds, family, job, Movies, Cricket, Football, emails, chatting and more, that they dont dont even think about orkut. and employees who dont have bloody work, who dont watch movies, who dont have women or girls (or boys ;-) to f*ck around with, keep searching in orkut for some faces. I hate orkut, I donno why.......?
I guess I know why poeple like orkut so much... As I have seen, Orkut is famous along IT industry employees, and only them, nobody else... not even students.. I dont see much students in Orkut or using orkut. I think these are the people who may be in benches, or lazy, or cant do their job, are just using orkut and "scrapping out" on other's orkuts. I know why the hell I hate orkut.
I have to sleep now, had been very busy today...... oh yeah.. I hate orkut, and I will never login again in orkut.
Monday, September 11, 2006
I Use My Ipod As Desktop Movie Player While It Is Just Lying Around

BTW, to update the songs on my Ipod, I dont use iTunes, but instead I use a Winamp plugin called ml_pod, which is very easy to use. All you ned to do is "Right Click" and select Ipod to transfer the songs that you have selected.
iTunes Sucks.. i keep loosing songs accidentally, either by me, or by my brother who uses my Ipod sometimes. So I have uninstalled iTunes both in my brothers computer and in mine. And its only ml_pod which I use now.
My IPod wired Remote, will be soon IR remote

Above is a simple wired remote control for an Ipod. I bought this just for the sake connector, which is not available separately to purchase in India. So I blew it, to check the internal connections. No this is of not much use in as a dock connector. It should be used as a remote controller and nothing more than that. So I decided to use it to make an IR remote, instead of a docking station for Ipod. I will be doing this when I get some time to do. This thing is pretty good, uses a small microcontroller (May be a pic), 8 pin. its very simple to use and cheaper to buy.
Now a days very busy with writing up process for QA, which seems to be very tough task. So have scheduled to do this project after one month.
September 11: Condolences and Remembrance

Photo surce: Flickr (somebody's)
Chennai Public Transport

Its the same incase of roads, public toilets (if any).
Autorickshaws are a mess, they wont charge as per meter, they charge or decide the charge on their own depending on the type customer who approached them, If they think that the customer is not from local place, they would charge double (ussually). If it is a local customer, then price would be decent, or slightly priced. You can see this kind of auto drivers' attitude no-where in India.
Why is this place called a metropolitan, urbanised? I would call huge civilized Village. Nothing more than that.