Thursday, September 28, 2006

Why the hell Orkut....Orkut... and again Orkut....

I go to bangalore to meet my freinds, they ask me to create orkut, I get mails about (f)orkut, everywhere (fu)orkut...... Its the same in Chennai. Just for the sake of people, I created an account. And know what... nobody can find me in okut. Recently, from no where, all my classmates who used to hate every other person in the class, started talking about orkut and its scrap like "scrapping out" scrap them out". Everybody have made a group now, keep sending mails, go gaga about orkut. I hate Orkut, I donno why...?

Why not simply add everybody in a chat engine and start chatting, why not use a common blog, why is it famous only in India, search anybody, you will find hell a lots Indians, what the hell is wrong with these Indians. What is it to do with Orkut and Indians?.......... I go to an account by name Linux in orkut, It was created by some american or european nationals and was used by them. But now, you can see all Indians and only Indians, posting about free e books, some softwares, some non-sense... which can be available through simple google search. I hate orkut, I donno why...?

I have seen that many of the dumbest people using orkut. People who are busy never use orkut. Many of my colleagues in office, never care about orkut, they are so busy with their freinds, family, job, Movies, Cricket, Football, emails, chatting and more, that they dont dont even think about orkut. and employees who dont have bloody work, who dont watch movies, who dont have women or girls (or boys ;-) to f*ck around with, keep searching in orkut for some faces. I hate orkut, I donno why.......?

I guess I know why poeple like orkut so much... As I have seen, Orkut is famous along IT industry employees, and only them, nobody else... not even students.. I dont see much students in Orkut or using orkut. I think these are the people who may be in benches, or lazy, or cant do their job, are just using orkut and "scrapping out" on other's orkuts. I know why the hell I hate orkut.

I have to sleep now, had been very busy today...... oh yeah.. I hate orkut, and I will never login again in orkut.

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