Monday, September 11, 2006

Chennai Public Transport

This is one of the Chennai's Metropolitan Transport Corporation's bus, and all the buses will be in the same condition. It looks pathetic, really. Look at those seats...err ... Benches, which lost paint and hasnt been painted for about 7 years. Why doesn't govt care about the maintanence, or is it public who doesnt care? I believe, its the public which doesnt care about. Or may be Govt thinks that public just needs public transport and not a decent public transport.

Its the same incase of roads, public toilets (if any).

Autorickshaws are a mess, they wont charge as per meter, they charge or decide the charge on their own depending on the type customer who approached them, If they think that the customer is not from local place, they would charge double (ussually). If it is a local customer, then price would be decent, or slightly priced. You can see this kind of auto drivers' attitude no-where in India.

Why is this place called a metropolitan, urbanised? I would call huge civilized Village. Nothing more than that.

Bangalore buses are miles ahead and more superior. City buses have designer seats with soft cushion. Windows are wide and doors are automated. No hanging on doors any more. Checked the new volvos? They have mobile chargers for passengers. I love Bangalore
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